Our Lady of the Holy Souls Current Openings
Director of Music/Organist
Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church in Little Rock, AR is seeking a full-time Pastoral Music Director. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience.
Standard responsibilities will include directing a 20 voice SATB chorus and cantors and providing piano accompaniment for Masses. Organ skills are desirable but not required.
Mass schedule includes four weekend liturgies: Saturday 4pm (traditional), Sunday 8 and 10:30am (traditional), Sunday 5:30pm (contemporary).
We have an Allen Digital Organ, 4 octaves of Malmark handbells and 4 octaves of chimes, and a well maintained choral library.
Full Ministry job description available upon request.
Please send applications or inquiries to: stienken@holysouls.org
For more info click here https://www.catholicjobs.com/job/6036167910